Monday, September 2, 2013

You Might Be an Episcopalian If...

If you think that my blog posts area bit too serious and personal and have the essence of sadness in them, you're quite right. If you've concluded that I take myself and everything else too seriously…right again. But even I have a lighter side and here it is.

Perhaps you have been wondering what it is that makes Episcopalians so…so like the people pictured in The Church Mouse books by Graham Oakley or …so like the people singing - usually funeral hymns - in the Masterpiece Mystery series. Perhaps you suspected that you are, yourself, an Episcopalian. Well, here is the absolute truth.

Episcopalians are just like everyone else except for a few quirky traits. There may be more, but here are the essential ones. (With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy – not that he’ll ever know)

1. If you always vote straight Anglican in Lent Madness….you might be an Episcopalian.

2. If you own a seersucker might be an Episcopalian

3. If you can explain Apostolic Succession…you might be an Episcopalian.

4. If you  harbor secret Royalist might be an Episcopalian.

5. If you know who Evelyn Underhill, Philander Chase and Henry Whipple were…you might be an Episcopalian.

6. If you understand that the word “collect” is also a noun…you might be an Episcopalian.

7. If you can recognize the smell of frankincense…you might be an Episcopalian.

8. If you know how to pronounce “Michaelmas” and also know when it is celebrated…you might be an Episcopalian. Hint: here are some Michaelmas Daisies.

9. If you recognize all the Book of Common Prayer references in P.D. James’ mysteries…you might be an Episcopalian.

10. If you feel called upon to defend Henry VIII... a lot... you might be an Episcopalian.

11. If you were furious when Jed Bartlett put out a cigarette on the floor of the National Cathedral, even though The West Wing is just a TV show... then, my friend, you are most definitely an Episcopalian.

If any of these statements are true about you, just remember: The Episcopal Church Welcomes You!

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