Sunday, August 11, 2013

Praying Twice

An old Sunday School song went like this: “If you say a prayer it’s nice, but when you sing you’re praying twice.” Sources are unsure about the origin of this truism. Some like to attribute it to Augustine of Hippo, but it’s hard to envision the great theologian coming up with something so simple and cheery. In any case, hymns are certainly prayers. They resonate in a way that many forms of worship cannot. I often volunteer at a nursing home and when it’s time for religious services, elderly residents who never speak, never even look up at anyone, will sing along word for word with hymns.

I also like hymns and have found a very irreligious use for the practice. Hymns can make house and garden chores go faster and more pleasantly. Singing while working can add the benefit of prayer (or so I tell myself) to a very mundane task. But… not all hymns are suited for all tasks.

The object of this post will be to list which hymns go with which tasks. Please note that the content of the hymns assigned here have nothing to do with the tasks. Our hymnals are sadly lacking in hymns about scrubbing floors or pruning shrubbery. My assignment of tasks with hymns are based purely on the rhythm of the hymn and the rhythm of the job. So here goes. Numbers are from the 1982 Episcopal Hymnbook.

Scrubbing anything           Praise to the Lord #390
                                       sing along 
Polishing Silver                O Master Let Me Walk with Thee #660
                                       sing along

Dusting                           Breathe on Me Breath of God #508
                                      sing along

Vacuuming                     To Be a Pilgrim (aka He Who Would Valiant Be) #565
                                       sing along

Weeding                         I Went Down to the River to Pray (not in hymnal but worth finding it)
                                             or Veni Creatur (coolest if you sing in Latin)
                                             sing along with Allison Kraus
                                             sing in Latin
Ironing                             All Things Bright and Beautiful #405
                                        sing along  
Lawn Mowing                  For All the Saints (if you weep a bit, it won’t matter; no one will see) #287
                                        sing along

Washing Windows           I Sing a Song of the Saints of God #293
                                        sing along

Pruning anything               Saint Patrick’s Breastplate, especially the bridge (Christ be with me, Christ within     me etc) #370

I have tested all these hymns with the tasks assigned many times and can absolutely guarantee that each will match the task perfectly. If I didn't include your favorite hymn, I think you have a solid enough foundation now to apply whatever hymn you choose to the task at hand.

A word about Saint Patrick’s Breastplate. This bridge section departs significantly from the melody of the hymn and is particularly suited to pruning or anything that has to take place in short bursts, like digging out buckthorn. It is well suited to jobs with sharp tools.

The best part of all this is that you can now find any hymn on You Tube (see above) so you can have accompaniment via your mobile device, if desired. Now you can take the exhortation to “pray always” seriously. What are you waiting for? Get to work. 

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